November 30, 2014

Gary & Cheryl 50312

Gary & Cheryl


“We know that God put us together. He gave us exactly what we prayed for. We are so happy together. We got married on Nov. 24, 2014.”

– Gary and Cheryl








119799 Miles 36 Cavite City

Miles, 36, Cavite City, Philippines


“I want to say thank you to Christian Filipina, specially all the staff. I’ve found my partner in life and I’m so thankful to GOD. Your site is the big instrument in my life. I am getting married soon to the man that I’ve found here. Again, thank you so much! I hope this site stay longer so that you can help others to find their partner in life. More power to all the staff of Christian Filipina.”

– Miles, 36, Cavite City, Philippines






169742 William 50 Georgia

William, 50, Georgia, USA



“I have found my TRUE LOVE, I am very happy now and as time passes I pray we will be another success story here on Christian Filipina. I wish luck and happines to all looking for that special one.”

-William, 50, Georgia, USA








By Christian Filipina staff